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What we're doing

Find out more about what GLOBE students are working on right now and what will be coming up very soon!
Stay tuned to updates on this page to follow our progress this academic year!

"Winter Wonderland"

A plastic bottle project: How can we reuse waste in a creative way?

For our first project, we will be creating winter-themed sculptures using plastic bottles and putting them on display in the community during the winter holidays. The aim of this is to raise awareness about the issue of plastic waste by letting others realize how much plastic we use in our daily lives. We hope to inspire both the ISH community and the local community to take action and find ways to reuse waste creatively just like we have.

Important Updates

UPDATE 03/11/2017

Just a few more days left for collecting as many plastic bottles as you can! Please follow the instructions in the previous update (30 October) or take a look at the poster to the right!

UPDATE 30/10/2017

Please note that we have decided to extend the deadline of the plastic bottle collection competition to Tuesday, the 7th of November! On this day, make sure to bring in all of the bottles you have collected to your mentor class in the morning. Your mentor will collect all bottles in a large bag (labelled with your class and mentor's name) and leave them in the boxes on the plaza. We'll collect them from there, count them, announce the winners and then use them for the project!

UPDATE 28/10/2017

We are currently collecting bottles through a one-week competition between mentor classes which ends on the 31st of October (Tuesday). We've received some positive feedback so keep up the great work!

The class which hands in the most bottles will receive a special mention but everyone will be rewarded by being able to visit the final product they have contributed to during the holidays! 

Click to enlarge

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